Understanding and Overcoming Self Sabotage: A Deeper Dive

Mar 25, 2024

One of the most perplexing challenges individuals face today is the battle against self-sabotage. The traditional understanding of self-sabotage—encompassing behaviors such as overcommitting, underdelivering, escaping, striving for perfection, overworking, and avoidance—scratches only the surface. In reality, self-sabotage is a complexity that unfolds within us, a silent battle of conflicting beliefs and perspectives deep in our psyche. 

Consider the notion that our self-sabotaging behaviors stem not from these actions themselves but from a clash of old versus new beliefs within us. For instance, one might have grown up believing that high achievement equals love and approval. Later in life, this belief might lead to burnout and a sense of emotional emptiness, despite professional success. Similarly, growing up in a hyper-competitive environment could instill a fiercely independent spirit that later complicates teamwork dynamics in the workplace.

This contradiction between past learnings and current desires indicates that we may have fundamentally misunderstood self-sabotage. It isn't merely a series of observable behaviors but an internal conflict, a disharmony within us that we struggle to identify and address. 

When we shift our focus from attempting to change through more doing to instead tuning into and supporting ourselves—by revising these old beliefs and patterns—we may find that external change comes more naturally and with less resistance.

But how can you tell if you're self-sabotaging?

Here are three clear indicators:

1. Your behaviors directly contradict your desires, creating a gap between what you want and what you do.

2. You find yourself caught in a mental tug-of-war. You tend to hear thoughts like, "A part of me wants to do it, but another part of me thinks it's a very bad idea!"

3. Despite genuinely wanting to embrace new experiences or changes, you encounter a profound resistance that feels almost insurmountable.

Recognizing these signs is the first step. The next, and arguably more crucial step, is navigating your inner world to revise those outdated beliefs, thus liberating yourself from the chains of self-sabotage.

But where do you begin?

I want to invite you to dive into my Masterclass: Unmask Self Sabotage.

I'll show you why self-sabotage exist and give you some key steps in getting past it! Plus a little more 😉 

Get started today- Learn more HERE.