Specialized Modalities 

Below are the most effective therapeutic interventions used in one to one sessions (only) to resolve presenting challenge efficiently. 

BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT)

BWRT is natural psychological process that reorganizes the neural pathways in the brain that lead to unwanted triggers, symptoms, or habits by accessing the mismatched pattern and revising it to match a more desirable response.

This therapy is effective, rapid, and non-contact- meaning you do not have to share your deepest pain in order to resolve it.

Parts Therapy

Are you noticing yourself saying, "A part of me wants this, but a part of me finds every way to avoid it," then an inner conflict may be present.

Here, we focus on identifying and reintegrating the parts of yourself that is conflict with your desired goals so that your time, energy, and money is optimized instead of drained.

This treatment utilizes ones own ability and inner workings of the mind to resolve their inner conflicts.

RTT, Analytical Hypnotherapy

As you a result of your stressful-traumatic experience, you may be experiencing symptomatic patterning, unwanted reactions, underlying motivations or defensive strategies.

This approach embraces hypnotic regression techniques, free association of thoughts, and transference utilization. It encompasses an in-depth investigative and root-cause solution methodology and primarily aims to identify and to resolve underlying originating cause of your distress.


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I'll show you step-by-step how to regain control of your growth without wasting anymore time using my signature methodologies 

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